Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Total Confirmed: 937,567

Total Deaths: 47,255

Total Recovered: 184,113

Time doesn’t mean all that much anymore. We eat when we’re hungry, and go to bed when we’re tired.

We ride our bikes when it’s the late afternoon kind of time. We ride around and around until we feel like going home. Sherlock loves this new routine. We holler ‘Good Boy, Sherlooock!’ when he runs on the sidewalk because he may need that someday when there’s cars again, but he runs in the middle of the street a lot and that’s fine too for now. We ride up into the hills and I only fall off my bike when I’m standing still and Aidan thinks I have low blood sugar but I think I am just not paying attention At All.

We put Down Tempo on Pandora and lay on our backs on the floor by the sliding glass door because that’s where the dogs hang out. And besides, it’s actually pretty nice there. And double besides, we were up for something different. We lay there for a long time, laughing at stuff and telling stories.

Wanna shave your head? I ask him. Why? He asks. Just for something to do, I say. Something different. Switch it Up. Sure, he says. Why not. So we do and I think he looks great and I tell him he has a perfectly shaped head. No divots. No funny lumps. Just A Perfect Head. And he likes it a lot when I tell him that so he looks in the mirror for three forevers and then agrees with me that he looks amazing.

I wonder how many preppers are going to come out the other side of this whole thing. Like people who lived through the Great Depression and kept paperclips and empty plastic things and stuff all further generations considered garbage and everyone thought they were weird. I wonder what the youth of 50 years from now will think about us. With our hoards of gloves and cleaning supplies.

I wonder if people will actually keep cleaning their houses after this is all over. Or if the cleaning supplies will accumulate, collecting dust and cobwebs and spattered oil from their stoves. The Clorox Wipies drying out and becoming useless but kept anyway. Just in case.

But no one will have hand sanitizer because now it’s only sold to hospitals and medical professionals and I’m sure I’ll never score any ever again. And neither will anyone else.

And for now, Time Stretches On. And I can’t believe all this happened in Only One Day. And April Fool’s jokes aren’t even funny because it doesn’t even matter that it’s April Fool’s Day.

This whole thing is just like when a movie is on and you don’t like it but you can’t stop watching it and it feels like it’s been on for 3 hours when it’s only been 43 minutes.

And sometimes it’s agonizing that it’s only lunch time.

And sometimes it doesn’t even matter that it’s Wednesday.


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