Monday, April 6, 2020
Total Confirmed: 1,347,803
Total Deaths: 74,806
Total Recovered: 253,961
We lay in bed, looking at news first thing in the morning. Not the Best Plan Ever.
Miss G. sauntered up and started chewing on the corner of my phone. Stop It, I say. But she rubbed her face on it until I couldn’t read the news anymore and somehow she created a hot spot with her chewing and then Aidan had to fix that and we figured we’d just get up.
The Democratic Primaries look like they’re not going to happen and people are unsure what this means or how this shapes our country. All of this is shaping our world. Every day.
The Playdough Planet. The Shape-Shifting Universe. We’ve been sucked into a black hole and no one can find a way out.
I found a bottle of kitchen spray cleaner that has about a quarter of its liquid left. I happened to look at the label and it says it kills 99.9% of bacteria AND VIRUSES. Score. I feel better having that in my tool bag, as they say. Since we still can’t get hand sanitizer.
Then I found a bottle of bleach hidden away in the laundry room! What joy! I leaped around and gave myself a high five and felt rich.
They say COVID may be mutating into several strains. Will this never end? There’s a $1k fine in New York for flaunting the social distancing guidelines. Thirty-two million people are losing their health insurance.
I wonder if universal health care will finally become a thing. Out of necessity. Out of compassion.
I poked around Amazon and tried something new. I searched for industrial cleaners that kill viruses. The kind they use in restaurants. And I found some! Food safe – kills viruses including HIV. Comes in tablets. I bought a sprayer too so I can mix up a solution and spray it around. It has a fine mist, so it will be perfect for doorknobs and railings and the inside of my car. Hopefully it comes soon.
I double high-fived myself and texted Aidan that he has a brilliant wife. Even though he was just upstairs. But he was working so I figured leaping around his office probably also wasn’t The Best Idea Ever.
Everyone says Stay Safe now instead of Have A Good Day. And it’s weird but true and fitting but scary and I wonder how many years everyone will say that or if the world will say that forever. I wonder how language has morphed and how fluid it is and how people drop the letter T if it’s in the middle of a word now. Important = Impor’ant. Meeting – Mee’ing. Getting – Ge’ing. Waiting = Wai’ing. And I find it irritating and it makes people sound Not-So-Smart but they use it on the news, so I guess I’m just old and out of touch.
The Pope won’t have Mass or Easter Services and gas is $2.14.
The Pre-COVID world seems like some old-timey movie. Black and White. Back When People Were Innocent.
Back When People Shook Hands.