Day 37
PCT Mile Marker 1419.00 – 1437.96
Miles Hiked 18.96
I sat by the creek and swirled my Aqua Mira drops around in my water to purify it. A millipede was crawling around on the ground. I watched in wonder as his bazillion feet worked together to get him somewhere.
A while later, a paper sign posted by a road read that a trail angel was offering free beer and shots “until they’re gone” for PCT hikers as a 4th of July celebration.
It was 7:15 am.
Ah, what the hell, it was worth a try, right? So I went down the road and found the angel’s camp, but no one was awake. I smiled to myself as I went back to the trail. Woulda been really fun.
About the time I decided I was hungry, the trail opened up onto a ‘Y’ on a dirt road. I plunked myself right down in the middle of it and busted out my umbrella. See? No mosquitos, and portable shade. Nice.
Two hikers showed up.
Hikers: You’re Icebox? Heeyyyy. We’ve been hearing about you for a while now. Dogman told us about you and then we’ve been hearing about you from everyone ever since. We wondered when we’d catch you.
The trail wound around through deeply shaded forests lush with tall ferns and wild strawberries and dried moss hanging from trees and lots of other plants that were not angry. The plants built a little utopia here where everyone trusted everyone and nobody had to have any stickers or poison or tricks up their sleeves. If only everywhere could be like that.
Huge white lilies and small inside-out orange lilies with their hair pulled back into a little bun. They smelled up the air and my heart was at ease. A tad overcast. Just enough to make the breezes cool on my face. Just enough to put a little pep in my step.
I got to an abandoned dirt road that led 2/10 mile down to a spring. Two people were exploding their packs all over the ground.
Hikers: You can camp here with us if you’re done.
Me: Really? ‘Cuz I am so done.
The spring water was cool and clean, and as I made my dinner, one hiker spilled her dinner all over the ground near her tent.
We all watched as the ants got their friends together to pull giant pieces of corn and whatever back to their houses to feed the kids.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.
I lay down in my tent and realized how nice it is to have neighbors just far enough away that if a bear came, he wouldn’t bother me. He’d be too busy over at her tent with her spilled dinner.
I mean, that’s why I’ll only go swimming if there are kids in the water further out than me.
Sharks will always go for the easiest food, too.
1 Comment
kheimiller · July 12, 2016 at 11:30 pm
Yeah, you would make an impression – even out in the wilderness ❤️
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