Day 8
Trail Marker 1204.2 – 1208.85

Miles Hiked 4.65

The Pacific Crest Trail Association’s website said the first seven miles out of Sierra City were an extreme trail hazard. It said the trail has suffered landslide type activity and is effectively blown out in places. It also says the brush has overgrown the trail so that in places, you cannot see whether you are stepping on the ground, or on air. Miscalculation can lead to falls of over a thousand feet down.

So that didn’t sound fun.

So I decided to go around. Aidan drove me up to the Sierra Buttes Trailhead in the afternoon. It was a gorgeous day, and we played B-A-Double-Hockey-Sticks with the boys, and they rolled on their backs in patches of snow being happy happy dogs.

OMG I forgot my poles!



Well, that’s what I get for drinking over the weekend. Lush.

Aidan found two long sticks for me to use in place of my missing hiking poles. You’ll be out of the snow now, so it’ll be fine – he said. Yeah totally, you’re totally right – I said.

We hugged for a long time, and then I walked down the trail alone, and when I turned around, he was already gone.

So now it’s just me. This is my demon, and I’ve gotta fight it on my own.

I was homesick in three minutes flat.

Within half an hour, there was already a lot of snow. But I had my sticks and a determined heart. And at least this time there were tracks in the snow to follow.

And then it threatened to rain, and I told the sky, You’re not gonna rain on me – you know why? – because what I am doing is too important!

Then it threatened some more, so I threw up the tent and dove inside, and within a minute…

Rain it did.

1 Comment

spete672 · June 13, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Thanks for mileage! Be safe and have fun. We will be leaving soon but are going to Old Station….hope to meet you! Pete and Nikki….TNT

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